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We are a Warm and Welcoming Conservative Congregation In Pepper Pike, Ohio

At B'nai Jeshurun, We Welcome You!

At B'nai Jeshurun, we warmly embrace every member. We welcome you to come as you are.     
Our clergy and our leadership know that to truly be welcoming, we have to eliminate the obstacles that interfere with a person’s ability or comfort to participate in religious services and rich array of programs. We are committed to celebrating the diversity of our congregational family by actively working to be welcoming and inclusive. When you enter our building and our community, you will find: 

Accommodations for those with physical challenges:
One level floor plan
ADA compliant electronic entry doors and lobby
Manually adjustable Torah reading table
An array of seating options and configurations
Accommodations for those with vision or hearing impairment:
Hearing loop
Large print prayer books and page magnifiers
Noise canceling headphones

Support for individuals and families with unique needs: 
Inclusion Shabbat every other month since 2019 (see below for more information)
Newly renovated ADA compliant gender neutral family bathroom
Services are streamed and Zoomed
Sensitivity training provided to clergy, Board of Directors, office staff, and ushers

Congratulations to our Men's Club for the following 2021 Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs Torch Awards. These three awards are part of the Club's efforts to be inclusive, encouraging access to programming for everyone despite any physical or unique challenges. 

Men's Club/ Sisterhood Virtual Bus Trip to New York City - Joint Programming

Comedy-Benefit Event - Best Overall Programming

Weekly Zoom Happy Hour - Best Overall Programming


Inclusion Shabbat

This service is geared toward those who are mentally and physically other-abled (and their families). Rabbi Foster leads this 30 minute service and we use a special, colorful siddur with shortened prayers in Hebrew and in English. Everyone is encouraged to participate, at their own level allowing everyone to enjoy the warmth of Shabbat. Open to the entire community. Click here to download the siddur. Contact Gerry Erenberg for further information. Zoom in, Meeting ID: 6954312474. Password provided by contacting the synagogue office.

Wed, January 22 2025 22 Tevet 5785